# Locating your components and organizing your style guide

# Finding components

By default Styleguidist will search components using this glob pattern (opens new window): src/components/**/*.vue.

For example, if your components look like components/Button/Button.vue:

module.exports = {
  components: 'src/components/**/[A-Z]*.vue'

But will ignore tests:

  • __tests__ folder

Note: All paths are relative to the folder where the config file is.

Pro Tip: Use ignore option to exclude some files from the style guide.

Note: Use getComponentPathLine option to change a path you see below a component name.

# Loading and exposing components

Styleguidist, by default, loads your components and exposes them globally for your examples to consume. You can use locallyRegisterComponents to avoid global registration. This loads a documented component only in the examples that are in its attached ReadMe.md file or <docs> block.

# Sections

Group components into sections or add extra Markdown documents to your style guide.

Each section consists of (all fields are optional):

  • name — section title.
  • content — location of a Markdown file containing the overview content.
  • components — a glob pattern string, an array of component paths or glob pattern strings, or a function returning a list of components or glob pattern strings. The same rules apply as for the root components option.
  • sections — an array of subsections (can be nested).
  • description — A small description of this section.
  • sectionDepth — Number of subsections with single pages, only available with pagePerSection is enabled.
  • exampleMode — Initial state of the code example tab, uses exampleMode.
  • usageMode — Initial state of the props and methods tab, uses usageMode.
  • ignore — string/array of globs that should not be included in the section.
  • href - an URL to navigate to instead of navigating to the section content
  • external - if set, the link will open in a new window

Configuring a style guide with textual documentation section and a list of components would look like:

module.exports = {
  sections: [
      name: 'Introduction',
      content: 'docs/introduction.md'
      name: 'Documentation',
      sections: [
          name: 'Installation',
          content: 'docs/installation.md',
          description: 'The description for the installation section'
          name: 'Configuration',
          content: 'docs/configuration.md'
          name: 'Live Demo',
          external: true,
          href: 'http://example.com'
      name: 'UI Components',
      content: 'docs/ui.md',
      components: 'lib/components/ui/*.vue'